Long and big races coming ahead!

Team Aker Daehlie get their energy from Maurten.
Maurten features groundbreaking Hydrogel technology that encapsulates carbohydrates in a natural structure, making energy easier to tolerate during high-intensity training. This innovation allows athletes to consume more carbohydrates per hour without gastrointestinal discomfort, leading to improved performance and results.
With efficient carbohydrate delivery and no unnecessary additives, Maurten enhances the performance of the world’s fastest athletes – from the Swedish national cross-country skiing and biathlon teams to Tove Alexandersson and Kilian Jornet.
You can help your customer to get an even better expeirence out there. Talk to them about Maurten and how it can help them achieve their goals.

Our reccomendation for 90km xc-skiing is to start the race well-fueled and hydrated, and drink according to thirst during the race.
Intake 7x Gel100 with or without CAF and consume SOLID for extra energy during the race + take one serving of DrinkMix 320 before the race as part of your carbohydrate loading and two servings of DrinkMix 320 during the race.

A great pro tip from Team Aker Daehlie is to attach velcro strips to your thighs and race suit, then stick the gels directly onto them. This makes them easy to handle during the race.
Bike Computers Coros Fuelplans Maurten Skiing Wahoo XC-skiing